"La QoS sur IP - Partie MPLS et ATM"



AAL, ATM Adaption Layer

ABR, Available Bit Rate

ABT, ATM Block Transfer

AFR, Assured Forwarding

ATM, Asynchronous Transfer Mode

ATM ARP, ATM Address Resolution Protocol

BBRR : Bit by bit round robin

BCS, Behavior Class Selectors

BGP, Border Gateway Protocol

BMWG, BenchMaring Working Group

CAC, Connection Admission Control

CBR, Constraint Based Routing

CBQ : Class based queuing

CDV, Cell Delay Variation

CTD, Connection Traffic Descriptor

CL, Controlled Load

CLS, Controlled Load Service

CLP, Cell Loss Priority

CoS, Class of Service

CR-LDP, Constrained Routing - Label Distribution Protocol

CR-LSP, Constrained Route – Label Switched Path

CTD, Cell Transfer Delay

DBR, Deterministic Bit Rate

DSCP, Differential Services Code Point

DLCI, Data Link Connection Identifier (Frame relay)

DWDM, Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing

EF, Expedited Forwarding

FEC, Forwarding Equivalent Class

FQ : Fair queuing

GFR, Guaranted Frame Rate

GS, Guaranteed Service

HEC, Header Error Control

ICMP, Internet Control Protocol Message

IETF, Internet Engineering Task Force

ILM, Incoming Label Map

IP, Internet Protocol

ISP, Internet Service Provider

ISSL, Integrated over Specific Link Layer

LAN, Local Area NetWork

LDP, Label Distribution Protocol

LER, Label Edge Router (Ingress ou Igress LSR)

LIB, Label Information Base

LIS, Logical IP Subnet

LSP, Label Switched Path

LSR, Label Switched Routers

MBS, Maximum Burst Size

MCR, Minimum Cell Rate

MIB, management integrated base

MPLS, Multi Protocol Label Switching

NHLFE, Next Hop Label Forwarding Entry

NHRP, Next Hop Resolution Protocol

OA, Ordering Aggregate

OSPF, Open Shortest Path First

PCR, Peak Cell Rate

PFR : Packet fair queuing

PPDM : Path Precedence Discovery Mecanism

PHB, Per Hop Behavior

PHBA, Per Hop Behavior Aggregate

PHP, Penultimate Hop Mapping

PNNI, Private Network to Network Interface

PPRR : Packet by packet round robin

PPP, Point-to-Point Protocol

PQ : Priority queuing

PSC, Per Hop Scheduling Class

PT,  Payload Type

QoS, Quality of Service

RAP, RSVP Admission Policy

RED : Random early detection

RSVP, Resource reSerVation Protocol

RTT, Round Trip Time

SA, Scheduling Aggregate

SBR, Statistic Bit Rate

SLA, Service Level Agreement

SCR, Sustainable Cell Rate

SNMP : signalisation network management protocol

SPT, Shortest Path Tree

SVC, Switched Virtual Circuit

TCP, Transport Control Protocol

TE, Traffic Engineering

TTL, Time To Live

UBR, Unspecified Bit Rate

UDP, User Datagram Protocol

VBR, Variable Bit Rate

UNI, User Network Interface

UPC, Usage Parameter Control

VC, Virtual Channel

VCC, Virtual Channel Connection

VCI, Virtual Channel Identifier

VoIP, Voice over IP

VPI, Virtual Path Identifier

VPN, Virtual Private Network

RED : Random early detection

WRR : Weighted round robin